2023 BRZ First Impressions

My 2023 Subaru BRZ is finally here!

I think I may have finally found a replacement for my S2000 that I am actually satisfied with. I thought my ND would scratch that itch but it just didn’t feel right. It was great because it was a convertible, but it didn’t feel special outside of that.

The process to get this BRZ was an event in itself. I am in Florida and called dealers as far north as NJ and far west as TN, but I still couldn’t find one at MSRP. Then one day I got a call from the dealer 20 minutes away saying they got an allocation, and at MSRP at that! I promptly put my order in and the waiting game started. It took about 4-5 months for the car to actually come in, but I am very happy I was patient since I got the exact build that I wanted. I ordered a 2023 Limited (actually the top model) in World Rally Blue. I also ordered the front lip and trunk spoiler, but both were on backorder when the car came in. I plan on still adding the front lip but I think I am going to wait and get the GR86 duckbill spoiler once the modding itch starts.

I’ve probably only had the car about a month now and just hit 500 miles. Now that I can open the car up I can really see how different this car feels compared to my FR-S. The torque dip truly is gone and the car feels VERY eager to rev. It honestly doesn’t feel much like a Subaru engine. The power is definitely underrated as well since it feels quicker than my S2000 ever did. Even staying in a higher gear the 2.4L really does shine. I have never owned a torquey car, but this feels miles better than the F20/F22 did on the street. It does not feel as special as those two motors did, but as a daily this is much improved.

Even outside of the motor this doesn’t feel much like a second-gen but an entirely new car. Every single aspect of the car is improved comparted to my FR-S. The interior materials feel exponentially better, the steering wheel is the correct size and location, and the infotainment is actually pretty snappy. Android Auto works very well with wireless dongles like my MA-1 not having any issues. The touchscreen is also not locked out like other cars while a phone is connected. Since it is based off the same chassis, the backseat is as useless as it’s ever been unfortunately. The one thing that the S2000 has always had an advantage on is the shifter, but I think this one is very close to matching it. The throws are definitely longer so it’s not as fun on the street, but in a performance setting I think this is the shifter I would go with. It is much harder to money shift this car so it gives a lot more confidence when banging through gears. The seats are also great at being comfortable on the street, while sufficient on track without needing buckets. My goal for this car is to keep it very much a street car that I can track without a hassle, so it really is ready to go straight away.

I haven’t been able to track the car yet because I have been traveling a ton, but track pads have arrived and I should be able to finally get her to Sebring sometime in November. I am guessing it will have some understeer issues until I am able to dial in some more front camber. Thankfully they got rid of the pedal dance so getting into track mode is as simple as holding a button. This also changed the gauges into a horizontal tach similar to the AP1, which is a nice touch. They even included some simple, but much appreciated, features like a programmable shift light and beeper.

I only kept the ND for just over a year but I have a feeling I will be enjoying this car for years to come. I don’t see anything coming out in the foreseeable future with this price tag, RWD, and genuine enjoyability. If you have any questions on the car, or things I may have missed, feel free to let me know and I will try and cover it. It truly is a joy to drive.

Stay tuned for track photos and impressions!